
I decided to write this blog to document our new life in San Antonio, Texas. Quite an adjustment coming from Baltimore, Maryland. I thought this could help other East Coast transplants who have moved to the great state of Texas. Everything here is different- weather, shopping, food, culture, wildlife and language.

If you are new to San Antonio and have items that would help others adjust please add your comments- photos of armadillos are most welcome!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


I lived in Baltimore for many years. The wildlife in the city consists mainly of rodents of all shapes and sizes, raccoons, foxes, and I once saw a possum.  Here in San Antonio we do have rodents and there's a big hole where some unknown creature lives...haven't seen it yet. We have loads of frogs and one day I found one living peacefully in the atrium. His name is Paco and he's really adorable. I worry though...does he have any friends?

The biggest change for me are the bats. Oh, sure, we have them in Baltimore but here every night at sundown they swoop down into the swimming pool. At first N. told me "oh, they're just little birds." Nice try, N. They're bats...not birds. And while I realize they are good for the environment and eat the mosquitoes and moths they seem to be low fliers that are heading for my hair. I did some research and discovered that they come from Mexico every year in the spring and return in the fall. The number one bat population in the US is in Austin, Texas and San Antonio is number two.


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