
I decided to write this blog to document our new life in San Antonio, Texas. Quite an adjustment coming from Baltimore, Maryland. I thought this could help other East Coast transplants who have moved to the great state of Texas. Everything here is different- weather, shopping, food, culture, wildlife and language.

If you are new to San Antonio and have items that would help others adjust please add your comments- photos of armadillos are most welcome!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Greek FUNstival

When I suggested to N. that we stop by the Greek FUNstival he thought I was crazy. We are in San Antonio, a city filled with Mexicans. They aren't exactly known for Greeks here! Exactly! Let's go see the handful of Greek people who live here!  

This is an annual event held at St. Sophia Greek Orthodox Church. There are church tours available and a large hall filled with Greek souvenirs, t-shirts, religious icons, paintings and some neat Greek fishermen caps. 

There's plenty of Greek food available- stuffed grape leaves, spanakopita, baklava, gyros and of course Greek beer, Greek wine...even Retsina. 
It's a small festival (N. was right...there probably aren't a lot of Greeks here) but it was fun and a little different.  Much to my surprise N. wanted to stay to watch the Greek dancers. They ranged from young children to the adults who were well choreographed and lively. 

It turned out to be a fun way to spend a beautiful Saturday afternoon.  Probably something we won't do again but worthwhile to do once.

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