
I decided to write this blog to document our new life in San Antonio, Texas. Quite an adjustment coming from Baltimore, Maryland. I thought this could help other East Coast transplants who have moved to the great state of Texas. Everything here is different- weather, shopping, food, culture, wildlife and language.

If you are new to San Antonio and have items that would help others adjust please add your comments- photos of armadillos are most welcome!

Friday, September 23, 2011

What to drink in San Antonio...or what not to drink. You decide.

You know the saying...."When in Rome..." Well, I've learned how "to dress" a Corona and I must say they are quite tasty on a typical 100 degree day. My wine drinking friends on the East Coast are probably in shock. Corona, Dos Equis, Tecate...all very good. But here's the shocker...the Chelada or the Michelada. I did some research on these damn concoctions...who came up with the idea that Clamato juice and beer with lime was a good idea? Well, it looks pretty. Give it a try and let me know what you think. 

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